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Men get hair transplants much more often than women because hair loss is more common in men. However, in many societies you will find that hair loss for women can decrease self esteem due to its embarrassing nature, which is why female hair transplant procedures can provide great relief for a woman.

Female Hair Transplant

Female hair restoration methods are actually pretty routine affairs. A surgeon just needs to transplant tiny groups of follicles into the affected area. These groups of follicles can be extracted from a part of the head where there is full permanent growth of hair. The Follicular Unit Transplantation and the Follicular Unit Extraction are the common methods of hair transplant. The procedure method will be decided depends on patient's expectation, the amount of grafts that are need to be transplanted.

  • Duration of procedure : 3 to 6 hours
  • Cost : Starting at KRW 3,500,000 (for 2,000 grafts)
Suitable Candidates
  • Patients with less hair or thinning hair on particular area of the head
  • Patients in need of a large hair transplanted in s single session
  • Patients who want to have the hair transplanted done for esthetic reasons
The Follicular Unit Transplantation Procedure

The surgery is performed under a local anesthetic. The hair in the area where the units will be removed will be trimmed to enable easier access. The surgeon will then remove these hairs one by one. Your surgeon will use a microscope while doing so to prevent the risk of damage to the hair follicles. These units are removed in strips for micro-dissection before implantation. The strip is removed from the centre of the donor area which enables the surgeon to obtain a large amount for transplanting. He will then inject an anesthetic into the recipient area (bald area of your scalp) and will use a specially designed ‘micro-needle’to insert the follicular units into the scalp. These hairs will then grow as per usual.

The Follicular Unit Extraction Procedure

The hair of donor area will be extracted from the scalp one at a time by the specialized punch, less than 1mm in diameter. Then the extracted hair will be implanted to the bald area. The procedure will be performed under a local anesthetic.

Female Hairline Lowering

Hair transplantation for hairline reconstruction is gaining popularity among women with hair loss, thinning hair, high hairlines and those who have undergone cosmetic facial procedures which can alter the hairline, such as face and forehead lifts. The Follicular Unit Transplantation and the Follicular Unit Extraction are the common methods of hair transplant. The procedure method will be decided depends on patient's expectation, the amount of grafts that are need to be transplanted.

  • Duration of procedure : 4 to 6 hours
  • Cost : Starting at KRW 3,500,000 (for 1,500 grafts)
Who are the ideal candidates for Hairline Lowering Treatments?
  • Patients with high hairlines
  • Patients who have suffered hair loss due to mechanical or traction Alopecia (non hormonal)
  • Patients who have had previous cosmetic or plastic surgery and are concerned about hair loss around the incision sites.
  • Patients who suffer hair loss due to trauma, including burn victims, scarring from accidents and chemical burns.
  • Patients with alopecia marginalis, a condition that looks very similar to traction alopecia.
Procedure of Follicular Unit Transplantation

The surgery is performed under a local anesthetic. The hair in the area where the units will be removed will be trimmed to enable easier access. The surgeon will then remove these hairs one by one. Your surgeon will use a microscope while doing so to prevent the risk of damage to the hair follicles. These units are removed in strips for micro-dissection before implantation. The strip is removed from the centre of the donor area which enables the surgeon to obtain a large amount for transplanting. He will then inject an anesthetic into the recipient area (bald area of your scalp) and will use a specially designed ‘micro-needle’to insert the follicular units into the scalp. These hairs will then grow as per usual.

Procedure of Follicular Unit Extraction

The hair of donor area will be extracted from the scalp one at a time by the specialized punch, less than 1mm in diameter.Then the extracted hair will be implanted to the bald area. The procedure will be performed under a local anesthetic.

Pubic Hair Loss (Atrichia)

Most people are familiar with losing the hair on their head, but they are unaware that you can lose your pubic hair. Losing pubic hair can be very traumatic for some. It gives you a feeling of vulnerability and confusion on why this is happening. As with any hair loss, pubic hair loss can be just as nerve wracking for some people, and you need to see a doctor to find out the cause. There are some specialized treatments depending on the reason for the pubic hair loss. The lack of naturally growing pubic hair is disturbing. In these cases, micrograft technology can provide a solution. A thin strip of scalp is harvested and the skin divided onto pieces that contain 1-3 hair bulbs each.

  • Duration of Procedure : 2 to 4 hours
  • Cost : Starting at KRW 2,000,000(for 1,000 grafts)
Suitable Candidates
  • Patients suffering from extreme pubic hair loss
  • Patients with no pubic hair from the inherited reasons
Procedure of Pubic Hair Transplant

In such cases a well-tried micrograft technology is used, and a thin stripe of nape is cut where  the hair bulbs are the most strongest and dispose with the longest life-span, then the thin stripe of nape is divided into skin pieces containing 1-3 hair bulbs. In the next phase the area of replantation is prepared, with a scalpel or laser tiny holes are made, here the skin pieces will go. The micrograft replantation is done in such a special way, that the emerging pubic hair meets all the requirements of the receiving area.

KMH Recommended Tips

  • 1. Medical conditions that could cause problems during or after surgery, such as uncontrolled high blood pressure or blood-clotting problems should be informed to your doctor.
  • 2. You are not allowed to take Antiplatelet drugs such as aspirin or Vitamin products for a week before the surgery.
  • 3. You can still take the medicine for high blood pressure, diabetes or asthma on the surgery date.
  • 4. It is recommended for you not to put on wigs at least for a week after the surgery.
  • 5. The newly transplanted hair starts to grow, initially as very fine hair normally 3 to 5 months after the surgery and some or all of the original hair that was shed begins to grow back.
  • 6. Receiving reaular scalp treatments always help for you to keep healthy hair.

Recommend Hospital

Dr. Ahn Hair Transplant Clinic is a hair loss treatment hospital that opened in 2004 and specializes in hair transplantation surgery. 

FORHAIR Hair Transplant Group Korea is the Asia headquarters of the FORHAIR Hair Transplant Clinic in Atlanta USA founded by Dr. John P. Cole the developer of the CIT (Cole Isolation Technique) which opened new horizons for the hair transplant surgery.

Dr. Joing Pil Choi at JP Plastic surgery is not only a plastic surgeon with 14 years of experience but also an ABHRS certified physician.

The Hair Transplantation Center at Kyungpook National University Hospital (KNUH) is opened in 1996, and expanded as KNUH Hair Transplantation & Research Center in 2011.