Cancer Screening
A Medical program prepared for prevention and early detection of common cancers (liver, stomach, colon, lung, thyroid, prostate, breast and cervical cancer). People in all ages with a history of cancer, family history, current medical history and risk factors People who have a particular interest in cancer or who want an early detection of cancer.
Included Exams
Sedated Upper Endoscopy | Gastric Cancer |
Sedated Colonscopy | Colorectal Cancer |
Thyroid Ultrasonography | Thyroid Cancer |
Lung CT | Lung Cancer |
Abdomen CT | Liver Cancer, Gallbladder Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Cholangiocarcinoma |
Vertebra MRI | Transitive Cancer |
6-Cancer Screening Blood | Test Liver Cancer, Lung Cancer, Gastric Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Breast Cancer, Prostatic Carcinoma, various cancers and infectious inflammatory diseases |
Pelvic Ultrasonography(F) | Uterine Cancer, Ovarian Cancer |
Breast Ultrasonography (F) | Breast Cancer |
Human Papillomavirus-HPV(F) | Test for HPV infection – the cause of Uterine Cervical Cancer |
Prostate Ultrasonograph(M) | Prostate Cancer |
Brain/Cardiovascular Screening
An early detection program for Stroke and Cardiovascular Disease. People over 40s with risk factors of high blood pressure, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, obesity and smoking
Included Exams
Cartoid Ultrasonography | Risk of Stroke, Arteriosclerosis |
Echocardiography | Myocardial Infarction, Angina Pectoris, Valvular Heart Disease, Arrhythmia |
Arteriosclerosis Monitoring | Early diagnosis of Arteriosclerosis, Vascular Resistance, Blood Flow Velocity |
Brain MRI/Cerebrovascular MRA | Cerebrovascular Disease, Stroke, Cerebral Hemorrhage |
Homocystein | Outlook of Coronary Artery and Cerebrovascular Disease |
Digestive System Screening
An early detection program for digestive diseases. People in all ages with a history of digestive diseases, current illness or family history or who are interested in digestive disease.
Included Exams
Sedated Gastroscopy | Examines Gastritis, Peptic Ulcer, Gastric Cancer, Esophageal Disease and Helicobacter Pylori |
Sedated Colonscopy | Colorectal Cancer, Colon Polyp, Colitis, Hemorrhoid |
Abdomen CT | Pancreatic Cancer, Liver Cancer, Gallbladder Cancer, Cholangiocarcinoma |
Digestive Function Test | Presence of Helicobacter Pylori, Parasite Test, Check for Intestinal Bleeding (microbleed of stomach and intestines) |
Hepatitis Test | Status of Hepatitis B Virus Carrier or immunization, Status of Hepatitis C Infection |
Respiratory System Screening
An early detection program for respiratory system diseases. People with risk factors due to long-term smoking.
Included Exams
Lung CT | Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, ,Emphysema, Bronchial Diseases, Lung Cancer |
Female Specific Screening
In-Depth Screening program for women. All women over 35 years old is the candidate for the program.
Included Exams
Lower Abdominal | Ultrasonography Bladder, Ovary, Cervical Disease |
Breast Ultrasonography | Breast Cancer, Breast Mass, Fibroadenoma, Cystoma |
Human Papillomavirus-HPV | Test for HPV infection – the cause of Uterine Cervical Cancer |
Rubella Test | Blood Test for Rubella which causes prenatal anomalies |
Abdomen CT | Ovarian Cancer, Cervical Cancer |
Female Hormone | FSH-Follicle Stimulating Hormone, Prolactin |
Bone Densitometry | Osteoporosis, Neutropenic Bone |
Tumor Maker Test | CA125 (Ovarian Cancer) |
MC Recommended Tips
In-Depth Screening can be done alone and in conjunction with or after the Comprehensive Medical Checkup. In-Depth Screening is a preventive medical checkup mainly for middle-aged and elderly people. The cost will vary depending on the included exams.