Hello, I am Jane. Here is a shocking news to everyone or only to me. Anyway, Public transporation fare rises tomorrow, June 27 2015. Personally, I am not that happy with the increased rate because the fare for metro and bus soared up way higher than ever! The metro and bus company offer 'Early Morning Discount' for citizens. Please check it out. I have one questions though, do you usually take the bus or subway before 6:30 am? I am not the one ever ever!!!! The main problem behind this fare rise, there was not enough clear reasons to raise it and the consensus between citizen and bus/subway company were not matched at all. They just hurried to finalized the metro/bus fare. You can check an image showing how much rises. Also, please share this infographic with your friends then my web designer Jack will be happy. Haha Thanks.
Early Morning Discount Fare
Seoul/Incheon Subway, All the Seoul Bus, Red G-Bus
First run bus/subway~06:30am
20% discount when using a traffic card
This early morning discount will be applied to the other G-bus and Incheon city bus.
(Latest Image Update: 2015 June 29)
English: http://koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2015/04/113_178029.html
English: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20150618000973
Korean: http://www.viva100.com/main/view.php?key=20150416010002673
Korean: http://view.asiae.co.kr/news/view.htm?idxno=2015062611094601164
Korean: http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?oid=001&sid1=103&aid=0007687788&mid=shm&mode=LSD&nh=20150626104640
Korean: http://www.seoul.go.kr/main/index.html
Korean: http://map.daum.net/pubtrans/payinfo/buspay_kyunggi.html