The 3 ways to exercise outside in the winter


The 3 ways to exercise outside in the winter

 You can find many annoying but suitable reasons why you cannot exercise in the winter. Nose dripping. Eyes watering. Cold air freezing your throat, filling your lungs. Exercise outside in the wintertime sounds like a cruel joke, but if you follow some of tips from John Honerkamp, exercising outside will be an absolutely enjoyable activity in the winter.

 John Honerkamp, chief coach of the New York Road Runners organization, and the Mayo Clinic, for safely (and even enjoyably) working out in the winter.

1. Get Used to It

 Your body will get used to the cold temperature although it is hard to believe. You'll have to continue challenging the outdoors. Keep your chin up and keep going. "It's key to focus on effort versus actual pace," Honerkamp says.

2. Get Dressed Appropriately

 "if you're going to be tough, make sure you're smart about it and that you're dressed appropriately." Honerkamp suggests wearing layers, which help keep you warm for longer time.

3. Know When to Go Inside

 Listen to the weather forecaster before your go outside. If the wind is extremely chilly or the temperature is below zero, Mayo Clinic suggests skipping your workout or taking it inside.

Go to the Mayo Clinic

KMH editor Jane

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Good information!