Cardiac and Vascular Center & Cancer Center

Cardiac and Vascular Center
Cardiac and Vascular Center operates special facilities for cardiac catheterization and angiocardiography as well as cardiography, withpride for 99% of success rate in coronary angiography and interventional procedures being performed over 1,000 cases annually. It also operates a Cardiovascular Core Treatment Facility where the specialized intensive care is being provided for patients with myocardial infarction or patients who are going through the cardiac surgery.
Cerebrovascular Disease Center

Arrhythmia Center

Arrhythmia Center, Korea University was founded in 1994 as the first specialized arrhythmia center in Korea. We perform over 500 cases of arrhythmia per year, especially we've achieved first over 650 cases of atrial fibrillation in Asia. Moreover our center was appointed as one of the 'Center of Excellence' by St. Jude Medical. 

Coronary Artery Diseases

The most common cause of coronary artery diseases is arteriosclerosis. Cholesterol, inflammatory cells, fibrin and other debris are built up inside blood vessels causing vessel wall thickening and narrowing that lead to overall reduction in blood supply.
Angina Pectoris – Narrowed vessels due to arteriosclerosis of coronary artery are unable to supply enough blood for heart muscles causing ‘Ischemic’ condition. Pain generally continues for 3~10 minutes. If pain last over 30 minutes, acute myocardial infarction is suspected.

Valvular Heart Diseases

Valvular heart diseases are classified according to types of valve, stenosis and obstruction. Stenosis refers to the limited blood flow as narrowed valves are not fully opened. On the contrary, insufficiency (regurgitation) triggers reverse blood flow when the valves are not fully closed. Mitral stenosis is common for younger female whereas aortic insufficiency is common for middle aged males or over.

Heart Center & Burn Center

Heart Center

Opened in 2002 to provide specialty treatment in the field of cardiovascular disorders, our center boasts the largest capacity and highest level of expertise in central Korea with the most highly advanced medical equipment. We implement one-stop diagnosis, test and operation in one place in close collaboration with teams of cardiovascular surgical professionals, thus enabling us much more efficient patient care and treatment system. 


Advanced Burn Reconstruction Center, ABRC

Comprehensive Aortic Root & Valve Repair (CARVAR)

Comprehensive Aortic Root & Valve Repair is a comprehensive surgical method involves in modifying aortic root and valve at the same time. Unlike existing method of replacing damaged valves with artificial or bio-prosthetic valves, CARVAR uses a patient’s own valve to minimize rejection and complications. Anticoagulant is not needed after surgery. Aortic valve and root disease can be treated effectively and safely via CARVAR.

Cardiovascular Center & Cancer Center

Cardiovascular Center

The center at Inha University Hospital is for the diagnosis and treatment of patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases. The center has a nonvascular examination unit including electrocardiogram (EKG) room, 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure and exercise tolerance test room, and head up tilt test room and angio - cardiography unit for vascular examination and treatment. The center guarantees patient accurate results by adopting and operating the most advanced angio-equipments.

Cancer center

Acute Myocardial Infarction

Emergency Coronary Intervention Procedure for Acute Myocardial Infarction is available 24/7 at the Cardiovascular Center of Incheon St. Mary’s Hospital

Top-Rated Acute Myocardial Infarction Care for 3 consecutive years
Cardiovascular Center of Incheon St. Mary’s Hospital is operated under the strict guideline of keeping on-call staff 24/7 in order to provide best possible care for emergency cardiovascular patients.

Stent Graft

‘Stent Graft Insertion’ procedure has opened a new chapter of aortic aneurysm care

Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery

During the cardiac surgery, heart-lung-machine which takes over the role of heart & lungs, and median sternotomy for clear visibility has been commonly used. Though this method does provide satisfactory result, the possible complications due to sternotomy as well as postoperative pain and scarring did cause great discomfort especially for women.