Emergency Coronary Intervention Procedure for Acute Myocardial Infarction is available 24/7 at the Cardiovascular Center of Incheon St. Mary’s Hospital

Top-Rated Acute Myocardial Infarction Care for 3 consecutive years
Cardiovascular Center of Incheon St. Mary’s Hospital is operated under the strict guideline of keeping on-call staff 24/7 in order to provide best possible care for emergency cardiovascular patients.

Cardiovascular Center with its 20 specialists in cardiology and thoracic & cardiovascular surgery runs interdisciplinary care process for the patients. Once the patient arrives at ICU, it is reported to the cardiovascular specialists to provide appropriate medical treatment within 30 minutes of the admittance.

Prompt emergency care of cardiovascular condition is critical as it is directly linked to the survival rate of the patients. For this reason, every staff is required to reside nearby Incheon St. Mary’s Hospital to minimize travelling distance when emergency patients are admitted.

Thanks to these strict guideline, Incheon St. Mary’s Hospital of the Catholic University of Korea has received top-rating (★★★★★) on acute myocardial infarction care by Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service of Korea for 5 consecutive years since 2008. The assessment was conducted based on the acute myocardial infarction inpatients admitted via emergency room. Among 189 medical institutions (44 tertiary hospitals and 145 secondary hospitals) evaluated, only 29 hospitals have received the top-rating.

The quality rating was determined based on following 7 evaluation indicators:
1. The number of inpatients for acute myocardial infarction
2. Thrombolytic administration rate within 30 minutes of admittance
3. Completion rate of primary PCI within 90 minutes of admittance
4. Aspirin administration rate at the point of arrival at the hospital
5. Aspirin prescription rate upon discharge
6. Beta-blocker prescription rate upon discharge
7. Mortality within 30 days of hospitalization 
