Seoul Slim Surgery Center
Seoul Slim Surgery Center is the number one weight loss Center in terms of the number of gastric banding surgery in Korea. Seoul Slim Surgery Center is the only medical Center in the world performing the parented Safety Loop (S-Loop) adjustable gastric band. This parented Safety Loop (S-Loop) band is recognized by World Gastric Banding Expert's Meeting and International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic disorders (IFSO) for its safety and weight loss. In addition, Dr. Yun Chan Park of Seoul Slim surgery and inventor of Safety Loop (S-Loop) has performed more than 300 body contouring surgeries as an aesthetic and body contouring fellow at the Hurwitz Center for Plastic Surgery in Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A.

Office Hour
Off on Thursdays and Sundays
09:00 ~ 18:00 | 09:00 ~ 18:00 | 09:00 ~ 20:00 | 00:00 ~ 00:00 | 09:00 ~ 18:00 | 09:00 ~ 17:00 |
our Specialty
Body Contouring (Sagging skin removal, body lifting)

Dr. Yun Chan Park of Seoul Slim surgery and inventor of Safety Loop (S-Loop) has performed more than 300 body contouring surgeries as an aesthetic and body contouring fellow at the Hurwitz Center for Plastic Surgery in Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A. As a world recognized weight loss surgeon, Dr. Yun Chan Park can beautifully tighten loose skin caused from fast, heavy weight loss or after birth. With body contouring from Seoul Slim Surgery Center, sagging skins from breast, tummy, arms, thighs, hips can be beautifully tightened.
Safety Loop (S-Loop) Adjustable Gastric Banding Surgery

Adjustable gastric band surgery has cured obesity near four decades. By getting adjustable gastric band surgery, many obese patients have improved or prevented obesity-related complications such as high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, fatty liver, Sleep apnea, menstrual irregularity, joint problems and so on. Adjustable gastric band surgery is also called obesity metabolic surgery. Adjustable gastric band surgery has helped many people get healthier as well as improve their live quality. Seoul Slim Surgery Center’s Safety Loop (S-Loop) adjustable gastric band surgery is patented in Korea as it is preventing a band from sliding down and blocking the stomach after surgery. This Safety Loop (S-Loop) adjustable gastric band surgery also applied for the parent internationally including U.S.A. Until now, this Safety Loop (S-Loop) adjustable gastric band surgery has no complication after performing hundreds of surgeries proving that it is very safe. This parented Safety Loop (S-Loop) band is recognized by World Gastric Banding Expert's Meeting and International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic disorders (IFSO) for its safety and weight loss.
our Doctors

Dr. Park,Yun-Chan
- Graduated from Seoul National University College of Medicine
- Completed masters program in Seoul National University Graduate School of medicine (Master in medicine)
- Completed doctoral program in Seoul National University Graduate School of medicine (Ph.D in medicine)
- Completed residency in department of surgery in Seoul National University hospital (Surgeon)
- Fellow and clinical instructor in department of surgery in Seoul National University hospital
- Head and chief of a department of surgery in Dankook University College of Medicine
- Visiting professor in the department of surgery at UPMC (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center) in the USA – training for morbid obesity surgery & “Life After Weight Loss Program”
- Training in the Hurwitz Center for Plastic Surgery in the USA - Aesthetic and Body Contouring Fellow
- Australian Monash University, Center for Obesity Research and Education – training for lap band surgery
- Medical advisor in the Department of surgery at Seoul National University Hospital
- Medical advisor in the Department of plastic surgery at Bundang Seoul National University Hospital

Dr. Koo, Nam-Hoon
- Specialist in department of anesthesiology and pain medicine
- Graduated from Seoul National University College of Medicine
- Master in medicine at Seoul National University Graduate School of medicine
- Residency in department of anesthesiology and pain medicine at Seoul National University hospital
Before & After PHOTOS
Saggy skin removal (abdomen)

Saggy skin removal (arms)

Saggy skin removal (butt and thighs)