Congenital nevus
The size of the nevus grows proportionally to the growth of the child. Large pigment nevus have the possibility of becoming melanoma and is problematic cosmetically. If removed when new born, since the nevus cells have not yet deeply rooted, recurrence does not occur and it can mostly be removed without any scars.
Excision is best if the size is small. It is ideal to recover with local skin flap, but if not possible, it will take 2-3 procedures, but it is not always easy to remove. Early Er:YAG laser removal procedure within 14 days of birth could be the right choice.
Cafe au lait Macule
It is caused by the increase of irregular melanin cells on the epidermis of the skin, being the most common skin symptom among patients with neurofibroma. Pigment laser, Q-switched laser in particular, is used for the treatment of Café au lait macule. The effectiveness is much higher, the younger the child is. There are many cases in which more than 3-5 procedures are taken, but if various waves of lasers are used together it can be removed in 1-2 procedures.
Hemangioma(nevus flammeus)
It is also called portwine nevus and is a arteriovenous malformation. It is difficult to completely cure because blood vessels in deep and superficial dermis are all linked. Cynergy, a pulsed dye laser + is v helpful for treatment. Laser surgical excision or combined using accu sculpt laser and fraxel laser can remove hemangioma completely.Lip hemangioma or cavernous hemangioma can involve the lips or nose. If the size is large and it disfigures the lips. Partial incision with CO2 laser shows excellent effect.