In Korean medicine, the most commonly used treatments are acupuncture, herbal medicine, moxibustion, blood suction, and physical therapy. At Jaseng, two additional therapies which were created by the founder of Jaseng are used, MST Acupuncture and Chuna Manipulation. These treatments are used for spunal disorders, bone and joint disorders and internal disorders as well, but they vary depending on the individual and the degree of their symptoms. For example, the duration of treamtent, the ingredients of herbal medicine as well as the type of acupuncture vary.
Applied Treatment
• Acupuncture
General Acupuncture, MST(Motion Style Treatment) Acupuncture, Bee Venom Acupuncture, Herbal Acupuncture (Pharmacopuncture)
• CHUNA Manipulation
• Herbal Medicine
Anti-inflammatory / Nerve-reviving, Muscle strengthening, Bone protecting
• Physical Therapy
Radiofrequency therapy, Ultrasound therapy, Electric-stimulation therapy, Traction therapy, Herbal fomentation therapy, Traction therapy