Nanoori Hospital
Nanoori Hospital is a special spinal joint hospital established in 2003. Since its foundation, Nanoori Hospital has practiced the philosophy of ‘customer satisfaction’ and ‘sharing,’ and consists of 30 medical faculties considered as the best in treating the vertebra and the joint diseases as a special hospital dealing with the vertebrae and the joint simultaneously.

Office Hour
10:00 ~ 19:00 | 10:00 ~ 19:00 | 10:00 ~ 19:00 | 10:00 ~ 19:00 | 10:00 ~ 19:00 | 10:00 ~ 16:00 |
our Specialty
Spine Center

The Nanoori Spine Center’s state-of-the-art facilities provide patients the most advanced technology for cutting-edge diagnosis and treatment. The Spine Center has successfully operated over 2,300 patients annually. Our surgical team offers the highest level of expertise in an array of sophisticated spinal procedures for the treatment of disc problems, stenosis, fractures, deformity, and instability. Renowned clinical expertise, dedication to research, innovation along with high-quality care made Nanoori Spine Center one of the premier spine centers in Korea.
Joint Center

Our center for joint disease has dedicated to providing advanced treatment and rehabilitation of joint afflicted by arthritis and other causes that affect joint mobility and usage. Our surgeons are highly trained in minimlly invasive techniques including arthroscopic options and perform over 1,000 surgeries annually. The guiding philosophy of surgery is to perform the smallest surgery that will reliably correct the disorder, with a minimum risk of medical complications or future problems. The center also provide a continuum of the highest quality care for joint replacement patients from preoperative evaluations to leading surgical precedures to postoperative therapies.
Non-surgical Spine Care Center

Our non-surgical spine care center offers innovative nonoperative procedures to relieve neck and back pain, such as percutaneous decompressive epidural neuroplasty, nucleoplasty IMS and full range of nerve blocks. The team is made up of pain physician and specialists from fields including rehabilitation medicine, oriental medicene, physiotherapy and kinesiatrics. The multidisciplinary center provides interdisciplinary approach for more immediate and longer lasting pain relief than drugs, physical therapy, or chiropractic manipulation alone.