Prosthodontic Treatment

Dental implant: A dental implant (also called an endosseous implant or fixture) is a surgical component that interfaces with the bone of the jaw or skull to support a dental prosthesis such as a crown, bridge, denture, facial prosthesis or to act as an orthodontic anchor. 
Bonded porcelain restoration (Laminate): It is one of the prosthodontic dental procedures to restore the teeth. The very outer part, called enamel, is to be saved as minimum as possible and a wafer-thin shell of porcelain is placed at the teeth using a dental glue, resin.

Periodontic Treatment

Scaling (Teeth cleaning): It is a dental process for the removal of plaque that locates on the very anterior part of teeth and may developed cavities. It removes plaque bacteria, food residue, and coloring on the teeth, in the end the gum as well as teeth become healthier and shiny. 
Gum treatment: It is one of the 10 common diseases that 80 percent of adults show. Dental plaque stays on the teeth and turns out tartar, which cause inflammation. The treatment options are scaling, gingival curette, and gingival flap procedures.

Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatment deals with protruded mouth, misaligned tooth, and open tooth.

Dental Implants: Osstem, Branemark

Dental Implants are used to compensate for missing teeth. In place of the missing teeth, dental implants are planted and fastened on the mandibular bones. Then prosthetics are placed for the restoration of function and esthetic effect of the tooth.
Branemark: This implant is imported from Sweden. Used first in 1965 by Professor Per-Ingvar Branemark, this implant is known for its history and reliability. 

Esthetic Dental Treatment

The mouth covers 1/3 of the face, thus having a crucial impact on one’s impression. 
Laminate: This is a method used for gaps between teeth, slightly broken teeth, discolored teeth, slightly crooked teeth. We shape the ceramic material in to the desired shape and attach it to the anterior portion of the tooth.
All-Ceramic: This is a method used for teeth that cannot be treated with laminate or for a more natural look. We shape the material in to the desired shape and cover the entire tooth.


We provide fast, invisible, safe, and effective orthodontic options. It is affordable financially and time wise for our busy individuals.
Damon Clear, Conventional braces (metal, ceramic, lingual, transparent), Clippy-C, Invisalign
Process: Consultation – Examination – Diagnosis – Treatment - Maintenance

All Ceramic Crown & Veneer Treatment

Speed All Ceramic Crowns & Veneers

Style Dental Brilliant Teeth Whitening Program

Zoom Teeth Whitening (Zoom2 Laser Bleaching)

Dental Implant

Implantium is the leading implant that proves to have the most outstanding clinical results with its SLA surface treatment.
Implantium is the only implant that Style Dentistry has trusted for the last 15 years, on the basis of its reliability and statistical success. 
ZIMMER Dental Implant (BY USA)

Golden Ratio Dental Laminate using Dental CAD-CAM

For beautiful smile, the center line of a nose and upper front teeth must be aligned. If their center lines are not aligned to each other, the condition of oral structure must be check out if there is any malocclusion as it or one sided biting habit can lead to facial asymmetry. Long term loss of a natural tooth also triggers deterioration of alveolar bone causing imbalance of facial structure, thus, it is critical to maintain healthy oral structure through appropriate treatment such as orthodontics or dental implants.
Golden-Ratio of a Smile Line