Penis enlargement surgery using a collagen matrix for soft tissue reconstruction is the most common way in YEZAK urology clinic with the years and years of the surgeon’s experience and the up-to-date surgery method. There are two different types of dermal matrix for soft tissue reconstruction. One is SureDerm, and the other is SurgiMend. The types and amounts of it affect the results.  

SureDerm is the longest product as the acellular dermal matrix, which has been approved by FDA. It can be recommended for the customers who would like to feel natural human-like skin tissue. Regarding the price, SureDerm meets the customer’s need. Many of you may know the AlloDerm, which is imported from USA. This is one of the most popular allograft dermal matrixes and is very expensive, which is considered the biggest disadvantage. Unlike the AlloDerm, SureDerm is widely being chosen due to its advantages like the cheaper price and high quality. 

-No antigen, no skin test required
-After full engraftment, patient does not feel any discomfort
-No blisters or cysts after implant.
-Antigens are removed so there is not cell-mediated immune response
-SureDerm itself becomes a part of the patient’s natural tissue
-2 times thicker than the Lyoplant

-High absorption rate

SurgiMend is also one of the most safe and thickest collagen dermal matrixes, approved by FDA and KFDA. This can be recommended for the patients who desire the firmness. Derived from fetal and neonatal bovine dermis, this biological make-up of bovine dermis, including its inherent collagen fiber architecture, leaves SurgiMend unmatched in available thicknesses and mechanical strength. 

-Rapid cell repopulation and vascularization
-The strongest, thickest biologic matrix.
-Regular 4.0 mm thicknesses
-Patients do not feel any discomfort.
-High customer satisfaction after the full engraft.
-Less absorption rate and higher engrafting rate than AlloDerm and SureDerm.

-Highly expensive US imported-product
