Balgeun Sesang is internationally acknowledged to provide superior surgical results on laser eyesight correction. Equipped with 19 laser devices approved by FDA, Balgeun Sesang Eye Clinic has performed 160,000 eyesight correction, 75,000 wavefront, 113,000 intra/VISU LASIK, 12,000 Intraocular lens surgery.

VISU LASIK is designed to be able to provide the best keratotomy, and unlike the usual femtosecond lasers, all the operation processes including suction are 100% controlled by the computer. This enables upgraded performance and accuracy compared to former minute keratotomy machines. Furthermore, with far upgraded performance (200KHz laser, 3-dimentional cutting ability, fixing cornea), this ensures a more sage and comfortable surgery.

• Allegretto Blueline
With the world's first 400Hz laser, it ensures short operation, improves night vision and prevents light blurring, and minimizes cutting area for safe and better eyesight as well as the comfort of the patient.

• DaVinci Crystal Plus Line Laser
World's fastest and safest state of the art femtosecond laser shooting speed of 5,000KHz, 10 times that of the conventional laser. With such rapid speed, the laser can reduce the time spent on refractive surgery.
