Knee Joint Center of Barosun Hospital handles degenerative cartilage diseases and ligament injury which cause waling difficulty in daily life with minimal incision arthroscopic surgery.
Joint & Orthopedic Surgery Specialist, Dr. Kim, Jun-Sik who has had 2,000 more of compartmental knee replacement surgeries and Dr. Lee, In-Muk who has performed 7,000 more of minimal invasive hip & knee joint replacement surgery make a precise decision for the utmost surgery outcome.
Knee joints help us walk for our whole lifetime and directly affect to ambulation. Once knee cartilages develop degenerative, they are not irreversible to become normal and get only worse with continues pain unless treated properly. This eventually cause low quality of life. Therefore, the early treatment must be implemented not to get worse. Depending on the grade of damages, total knee replacement or compartmental knee replacement is performed as a treatment, which needs around 2 weeks of recovery period.