"Invisalign is a discreet orthodontic treatment using a series of clear aligners." Invisalign is an orthodontic procedure using a series of clear plastic aligners that you switch every two weeks to align your teeth. After an initial consultation to analyze where you are an ideal candidate for invisalign, the impressions of upper & lower teeth are taken and sent to the Invisalign Headquarter located in Santa Clara, California. Through a cutting edge CT scan on your dental impressions, a customized set of clear aligners are made for you to wear. Invisalign procedure can only be done by licensed dentist who completed a certification course. Orthodontists at Hus’hu are certified to perform Invisalign.

Invisalign is recommended for those who;
• Wish to get orthodontic treatment discreetly.
• Might have their regular daily activity restricted due to visible braces.
• Want to avoid the restriction on food intake due to wearing braces.

Advantages of Invisalign
• Clear aligners are 100% transparent, thus, it is hard to detect.
• The complete set of aligners is made with a single visit to the clinic.
• Adaptation period to the aligners are short. 
• Aligners do not cause pronunciation problem.
• Wireless aligners do not cause irritation due to absent of sharp wires.
• Removable aligners reduce the possibility of dental caries and periodontal diseases.
• Number of visits to the clinic is less. You need to visit the clinic every 6-week.
