The hair on the scalp grows in follicular units comprised of 1~3 hair follicles in each opening. For far east Asians, 46% of hair is composed of single-hair follicle and 54% with 2~3 hair follicles; whereas Caucasians generally have 2~3 hair follicle units with only 5% of single hair follicle. With this in mind, Dr. J.C. Kim of KNHU developed the hair follicular unit transplantation technique in 1992.
Using Hair Follicular Unit Transplantation technique, healthy hair follicular units are transplanted on the scalp that allows a surgeon to preserve natural hair distribution pattern of a patient, obtaining natural looking result. This approach is ideal for Asians who generally have thicker straight black hair.
Although the hair loss progresses, hair on occipital area is preserved as the characteristics of frontal and occipital hair is different. Hair from occipital area (donor site) is collected and separated by natural follicular units. Separated follicular units are transplanted on the frontal area (transplant site) using KNU hair transplanter. Approximately 3,000~4,000 units can be transplanted through a single surgery. Hair Follicular Unit Transplantation is done as outpatient surgery, and it generally take 4 hours to complete. Post management of hair follicular unit transplantation is simple and easy as there are no particular precautions for patients to follow once the suture is removed from the donor site.
Eyebrows, eyelashes, beard and mustache can be transplanted with Hair Follicular Unit Transplantation technique. Atrichia and women’s hairline shape can also be treated as well.