What is Erectile Dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction(impotence) means that a man is unable to have a penile erection of satisfactory firmness or duration for normal sexual activity.

Medical Treatment
1. Oral Medication : Sildenafil, Tadanafil, Vardenafil, etc. those are taken approximately one hour before intercourse. Erection occurs after arousal. But, oral medication have side effects, so they should be taken under guidance of specialist.
2. Intracavernosal Pharmacologic Agents : a painless self-injection into the penis of one or a combination of Papavarine, Phentolamine, Prostaglandin E-1 just before an erection is desired. This has side effects, too. For example, tunical fibrosis at injected site, peyronies’ disease, etc.
3. Endocrine Therapy : topical patches or injectable treatment for a hormonal condition. But this therapy usually doesn’t work alone.

Surgical Treatment
1. Penile Prosthesis : an internal device that is permanent and makes the penis hard enough for penetration. There are several types with different features. With the currently available state-of-the-art implants, a success rate of almost 95% may be expected.
2. Venous Ligation : tying off leaky veins. But this method has very high failure rate. 
